Argument from Morality
Alexander Bean Alexander Bean

Argument from Morality

Have you ever felt that unshakable sense of right and wrong, even when no one’s around to judge you? In the Moral Argument, we ask if our deepest ethical instincts point to something beyond human opinion—maybe even a divine source.

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Teleological Argument (Argument from Design)
Alexander Bean Alexander Bean

Teleological Argument (Argument from Design)

Ever paused to wonder whether a hummingbird’s tiny wings or a snowflake’s perfect symmetry are purely random—or the mark of a cosmic craftsman? Explore the Teleological Argument, where we question if nature’s most intricate wonders point to an intelligent designer or simply arise from natural processes.

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Fine-Tuning Argument
Alexander Bean Alexander Bean

Fine-Tuning Argument

Have you ever gazed at the stars and felt a tug of wonder—why does everything seem so precisely set for life? This article dives into the Fine-Tuning Argument, asking if we’re merely lucky lottery winners or if there’s a deeper reason behind our universe’s astonishing balance.

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Cosmological Argument
Alexander Bean Alexander Bean

Cosmological Argument

Ever stared at the night sky and felt that burning question—did all this appear without any cause? This piece unravels the centuries-old Cosmological Argument, challenging everything from quantum weirdness to the idea of a timeless, spaceless power behind the universe.

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Why God Matters
Alexander Bean Alexander Bean

Why God Matters

God matters because it addresses our deepest questions about identity, morality, and purpose, shaping cultures and guiding moral values. Yet precisely because its impact is so profound, we should keep questioning these beliefs to encourage empathy, humility, and intellectual growth.

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